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I believe wholeheartedly in creating a relaxing, nurturing environment for each client to bring their individual needs and treatment aims to a complementary therapy session.
I am a Reflexologist, Swedish massage therapist, and Reiki Practitioner/ Master/ Teacher. I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), an approved practitioner for Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD Sally Kay Method) and a member of the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (MARR).
I began my therapy training in 2007 with my Reiki practitioner level qualification. Following on from there, I then trained in Reflexology and subsequently Swedish massage. I have taken further training in very specific reflexology areas, including Reproductive/Fertility-related reflexology. I am happy to combine therapies within a treatment session. I continue to undertake professional development study.
As a Reproductive Reflexologist, I am trained to use specific, evidence-based, reflexology treatment protocols for natural fertility matters and also to support those undertaking all forms of assisted conception. For further information, please ask me any questions or visit:
I am also a Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) Practitioner (Sally Kay method) and use techniques specifically developed and researched to cause an effect on the reflexes of the lymphatic system. (
I work with Swedish massage to relax body and mind. Benefits include relaxation, muscle tension release, improved blood and lymph flow with subsequent benefit to muscular functioning, and an overall enhanced sense of well-being.
I employ the Usui System of Natural Healing for my Reiki practice. Using energy balancing techniques to support clients with wide-ranging treatment aims, I adopt this gentle yet often powerful energy healing modality, with the aim of providing deep relaxation, improving well-being, and reducing stress, tension and fatigue.
For several years, I have worked as part of the Revitalize Massage and Holistic Therapies community of self-employed therapists in Newington, Edinburgh. As individual therapists, we will now be working in different buildings, yet the Revitalize community spirit and links to each other will continue!
We all have different reasons for coming to reiki, reflexology, Reproductive Reflexology, RLD or Swedish massage treatments. With your aims for treatment in mind, I plan with you to create bespoke therapy sessions for your individual requirements. Therapies can be combined within a therapy session if you so wish.
I look forward to seeing you soon,